A. Who discovered it? Astronomers photograph specific regions of the sky then compare it with earlier photographs of the region. The points of light that remain the same are ignored and the ones that have moved are studied in more detail and thus stellar objects are discovered and cataloged. Some objects further from the sun are discovered with an infrared telescope. The first orbital infrared telescope was launched in 1983 to confirm what ground-based telescopes had discovered. The existence of an unknown planet was confirmed and leaked to the Washington Post Dec. 30, 1983. 22 years later, on July 29, 2005 NASA claimed discovery of a tenth planet in our solar system and called it “XENA”. The planet “NIBIRU” was probably discovered 46 years before in the Kennedy administration. NASA refused all information on this tenth planet which passes through the solar system every 3600 years. This time it's coming up from the southern hemisphere and won’t be observed in the US until the worst of the damage is done.
B. When will it get close to us? Evidently that's still a “national security” secret but Dec 2012 is a favorite date on the internet. However, the worst effects will show long before its nearest approach to our planet. Our weather is controlled by the sun’s activity and unusual weather is a daily occurrence: bitter winters in Great Britain, tornados & hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes & volcanic activity elsewhere. The deceitful government says it's all from the man-made pollution causing global warming--as if tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic activity relate to surface temperature--but these are actually from the gravitic effects of this rogue planet.
C. How will it affect the sun? Nibiru/Xena won't be visible for a year or two but it's still a government secret. The gravitational effects will cause sunspots on the side of the sun facing Nibiru which we don't see yet--but when it enters the side of the solar system we're occupying, the effects on the weather and seismic events will be CATASTROPHIC. Dramatic changes have been recorded for years on other planets.
D. How will it effect the earth? The Atlantic ocean gulf stream has slowed down by 30%--a result of too much fresh water from the melting polar ice caps and Greenland. The salinity of the ocean drives the gulf stream and as salinity decreases, so too does rate of flow. Scientists say the gulf stream will eventually stop altogether, a disaster of epic proportions, for it keeps the east coast of the US and UK temperate. Moscow has bitter winters every year, while historically Great Britain has no snow (they are the same distance from the north pole) but is now much colder as the gulf stream slows down. There's a high chance the North Pole will be completely melted in five years--yes from global warming but the cause is the approach of Nibiru, not greenhouse gasses caused by mankind.
E. What is the end result to mankind: Without the Atlantic gulf stream, the Atlantic coast of the U. S. and Great Britain will be like Moscow--all brought on by Nibiru as it both approaches the sun and then leaves the solar system. How many years have we had global warming? When Nibiru is on the same side of the sun as the earth, the worst effects will occur. The sunspot activity on our side of the sun will worsen weather drastically and satellite communications will degrade. Weather will worsen until Nibiru recedes, while volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis will displace millions of people.
If the gulf stream stops completely it could take centuries for the polar ice packs (and Greenland) to regain the deposits of of ice and snow, thus increasing the salinity of the oceans and restarting the Atlantic gulf stream and other ocean currents affected. Tidal affects increase without the moderation of ocean currents, making it hard to live on the shoreline. If this “best case scenario” were expected to happen, the government wouldn't have been so secretive. It would have been difficult but possible to overcome, like when we all pulled together to weather World War II as we performed miracles in science, technology, and manufacturing. Now we have not been given this opportunity to cooperate, excel, and survive as a nation.
The “1984 Big Brother” mentality has become a daily reality as we become effectively neutralized in the decision making process. The wolves and snakes behind the scenes are firmly in control as life as we know it comes to an end. The worst case scenario is the one the government believes and is preparing for, with all the relevant astronomical data as Nibiru approaches--with times and dates relevant to the sun, earth, and the other planets. They have loads of scientific brainpower and the best computers and measuring devices to predict all of the effects it will have on the earth. They have the orbiting telescopes and other satellite instruments with which to measure and compute what is going to happen to us all. The best way that “We The People” have of predicting the coming events is to observe the government preparations which are hidden in plain sight.
Our government is preparing for a shift of the world’s polar axis and its inevitable devastation to the whole world. This is not science fiction for it has happened in the distant past. The earth is roughly egg-shaped and has a slight wobble to it. If you were to point a fixed camera to the north star exactly at the north pole, in a 24 hour period you would see that it described a figure 8 path, not fixed at one point. The magma inside the earth moves about somewhat and can be detected by recording the movement of the magnetic north pole (MNP). The recorded path of the MNP shows that it has been moving from northern Canada in the direction of Siberia, accelerating in the last 25 years. This acceleration is likely a precursor to the polar axis shift. Before the last one, there was 360 (not 365) days in a year (which is where the 360 day year of the Jewish calander comes from) because the circumference of the world at the equator was smaller and this could change again, creating a new equator and degrading most of the geosynchronous satellites to just junk in the sky ceasing to function. The exception are those equipped with enough fuel and rocket motors to move to the new geosynchronous location. Government scientists are preparing to keep at least some satellite assets in operation.
Due to centrifugal force the equator's seawater bulge contains cubic miles of water and when the earth’s axis shifts this bulge will “slosh”--creating tsunamis devastating coastal regions around the world. This all will take place between a few days to a week and settle down within a month. There is a U.S. Navy map indicating the projected shoreline after the big event: If the new polar axis moves in the direction of Siberia, the equator will move northward toward the U.S. and the equatorial seawater bulge will put our coasts under water. The sea level will increase and decrease at other locations as the new bulge of seawater at the equator will “fix” world water levels to a new point of equilibrium to stabilize the earth in its rotation around the new axis.
The seas crashing into new equilibrium will devastate all coasts and all structures below the present 100’ sea level will be destroyed, and anything between 100’ and 400’ will be damaged. The resulting tsunamis could exceed 300’ in height. Because it’s coldest at the poles and warmest at the equator, weather will permanently change. This is guesswork, for hard data is only available to the government and they’re not talking.
It's impossible to accurately predict these events because this has never happened in modern times and historical records are not available or believable. When Rome burned the great library of Alexandria in Egypt, the Romans removed scientific documents important to Rome where the last emperor became the first Pope of the Catholic empire at the start of the middle ages. Rome is not that far above sea level so everything between 100’ and 400’ above sea level put the library in danger. In July of 2007 the Vatican announced they were closing the library and relocating it--knowing what is coming and taking appropriate action.
All major world powers know of the coming events resulting from climatic disruption as Nibiru passes through our solar system. Russia is hollowing out whole mountains to create shelters and the US has completed a dozen major shelters. Walmart and other corporations have built shelters for it’s management teams (with families). The CIA has relocated from Langley AFB, Md. to Denver Colorado in 2007. The EPA has relocated it’s huge scientific library away from Washington DC to higher ground. They all intend to rebuild and resume business with the remaining survivors. Why else did the government need 700+ billion dollars with no accountability? Stimulating the economy was the excuse, but secret preparations for catastrophe is the real need for tons of money.
Watch the DVD movie “The Day after Tomorrow” and "Final Impact" for good science mixed with science fiction. Now the total rejection of bad news in the manic desire to retain “normalcy” is simultaneous with last-minute governmental preparations, the biggest being the Interstate Highway 35 from Mexico to Canada. Why? Because all of the U.S. coastal areas will be destroyed up to 100 miles inland. They'll all be flooded and the deep-water ports demolished along with most all commerce. I-35 is carefully laid out well above the damage zone or new sea level.
This highway will have ten lanes with two rail lines, pipelines, and fiber optic cables--providing access to millions of acres of U.S. Western farmland. The deep-water ports in Mexico will allow us to quickly resume trade until new ones are constructed in the new inland seaway the Mississippi river valley will form, 50 to 100 miles wide in some places covering Wisconsin down to the new mouth of the Mississippi at the junction of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Most of the South and Texas coasts will be underwater along with Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and NYC. As we depend on shipping to support the world's population, starvation will set in.
Here's proof the government believes it's going to happen: US Navy officers have been retiring to the Ozark mountains for many years. The Navy will be a major influence as other countries take advantage of the catastrophic disruption. Navy retirees have been moving to safe havens like the Ozark's for the high ground, fresh water, good farmland for self-sufficiency--and most importantly, far distance from major cities. For you can expect the gangs to collude with raging youth and for both to absorb into Obama's new military-police force, against posse comitatus. The cities will be the first to fill up the waiting camps. Obama told us he was building an even bigger para-military and we blandly accepted it: we're going to be lorded over by foreign thugs who hate us, goons and perverts like the TSA who could never make it in a real military or police force.
The government deadline for their construction projects was December 2010 but has now moved up. The year 2012 was probably a ruse by Al Gore types to prevent premature panic. Other “official” timeline dates range from 2016 to 2050 as the latest expected timeline for the polar shift. If we the people were made aware in the 70's and 80's the government would've had to compete with the public for funds--and thus our economy was maneuvered into a financial crisis to push through the so-called “stimulus package” and other programs without any accountability or need to pay it back. Greedy children, these leaders from generation X.
With world economic collapse, the slate will be wiped clean and we all start over again, but the globalistic elite are preparing to dominate the future. Both President Bushes were Bilderbergers, so too the Clintons and Obama. The agenda is elitist-eugenicist: The population will be pared down to keep them in line, starting with scientifically-contrived "natural disasters". The well-prepared FEMA and Homeland Security will fight civil unrest through liberal gun-control laws. When the dirty secret is out, enormous rage against the government's unforgivable SIN OF SECRECY will be blocked. The major suppliers of freeze-dried edible products have a waiting list of two years as the government has bought it all up, and the feds have cherry-picked millions of acres (over 50% of our land) by creating the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)--of course these 155 million acres are above sea level. To repeat, preparations have gone on for decades.
The traitor Benedict Arnold did far less harm to the first Americans than the last few presidents, including Clinton. Why? It'd be impossible to save everyone so they just prepared to save themselves--and when it's all over the rest will be “chipped” for permanent identification. The genius of the American people has always come from free independent individuals, not government, no matter how many scientists they can hire--but secrecy has choked this off, despicably minimizing our chances for developing effective survival techniques. We're doomed unless we awaken our brethren and call for national repentance and alert action. With God, it's never too late--but let's return to the imminent scenario:
As millions die off and government saves itself their motto will be: "let nature take it’s course” then resume tighter control later. The problem is too big for government: Can you imagine evacuating everyone within fifty to a hundred miles from all coastal areas where the population lives less than 100 feet above sea level? That includes most Southern States and the coming Mississippi seaway from New Orleans to Canada. The highest elevation in Florida is less than 100’. The Great Lakes will be just one big inland sea that will join up with the Hudson Bay, and Wisconsin and Denmark will disappear. One-third of the earth's populace will be gone, all islands in the Caribbean and Cuba will be scoured of life, along with much of France.
In this “free country” our leaders represent only themselves at our expense. The new “great depression” is just a well orchestrated side-show. The banks, the fed and Obama’s heroic salvation through a socialist utopia is mere distraction from the main event and the longer they stretch things out the more time they have to prepare for what will change the whole world. They are the adults. We are the childish sheep who must be led by the good shepherds of our land. That’s what we elected these liberal children and wolves in sheep's clothing to do, didn’t we?
To recap: Nibiru/Xena/Eris will come ever closer until it leaves a mess and gravitational effects will increase sun spot activity with worsening weather. Seismic and volcanic activity is increasing close to the north pole and will get worse if, and when, the shift of the true-north pole (the center of the earth’s rotation) occurs. The government's anxious activity to prepare with our stimulus dollars proves their belief that it will happen sooner, not later.
At the equator satellite instruments show the sea level as much as 490’ above the level measured at Cornwall, England. Centrifugal force at the equator keeps the seawater bulge in place but it will redistribute itself when the earth's axis shifts and this SLOSH will create tsunamis sweeping around the world, devastating all coastal regions including both U.S. coasts. Whether you want to believe this or not, it will still happen, so prepare!
The liberal idea that truth is relative won’t matter when NYC goes underwater. Even if the worst case doesn’t occur the world is still in for a hard time soon. Government preparations are "hidden in plain sight". Wouldn’t it be nice if we could trust the government and start our own preparations? Don’t feel anger towards the retired military compelled to secrecy--they've been threatened with lost pensions otherwise. Most of this information can be verified on the internet and I suggest that you do so and then decide how to prepare.
The government decisions and unethical attitude
A. Keep the secret or announce 30+ years in advance to minimize the fear and uproar? Which President was the first to learn about the existence of Nibiru and decided to keep it a secret? It was Kennedy who put a man on the moon and stressed orbital assets. Supposedly he learned about Nibiru from the Vatican and confirmed it scientifically. Then Carter consolidated several agencies culminating in FEMA. Whichever one was the first to validate the coming world disaster set out to play god to those voting him into office.
That President clearly exceeded his authority as no office nor agency has a right to withhold this information. Each succeeding President has inherited this morally and ethically despicable attitude perpetuating the horrible deception, all the while ensuring their own survival and those they consider worthy of life. Is this their altruism to make sure our American way of life can continue afterwards? Obama is clearly working towards the failed system of socialism, the opposite to what we've enjoyed for over 200 years--and socialism implies Total Tyranny. Recently he's announced "the weather is getting worse worldwide" and so he intends for the U.S. to financially help third-world countries that can't help themselves. An elitist grab that'll never reach the poor and one more indication he knows about Nibiru and it's effect on the earth.
B. How to survive this? To say the least (1) Move to an elevation above 1000’ and not within the striking range of 300’ tsunamis. (2) Don’t be too close to any cities. When communications and transportation breaks down, the cities will become lethal chaos. (3) Store two years worth of basic food supplies and make sure it's in a safe place (that means you can’t tell anybody what you’re doing). Buy a ton of rice or other storable starches like oats or barley, and plant fruit and vines. Avoid all GM (genetically-modified) foods or you'll be dead anyway. (4) Start collecting small trade goods. When everyone is scrounging for food, water, and other basics, money will be worthless but a box of shotgun shells will be highly sought after. (5) cruise the internet for other survival ideas and ways to prepare. There is still time to get ready and those keeping a cool head and methodically preparing will increase their chances for survival. (6) Weed your friendship garden. In this evil age filth creeps in easily. You must utterly trust your chosen associates and neighbors.
C. Who should be allowed to survive and who decides this? Anyone scheduled for a place in government shelters knows it and is an active accomplice to this crime against humanity. Such feel they are a part of some noble cause perpetuating American ideals. They have no idea they'll soon be property in the coming “brave new world”. There are LISTS of those with vital skills and knowledge that will be useful after the main event.
D. Who’s in charge; “We the People“, or the government? The continuing cloud of secrecy of this new planet and the resulting catastrophe is proof that we work for government, it doesn't work for us (as constitutionally intended). They clearly believe we're inept. We will never know what new inventions and processes would have been discovered as a result of the genius of private enterprise trying to come up with new survival techniques. Instead, now government employees ("thug-ocracy") exceed civilians, with an equal investment in the accelerated crush and usurpation of America.
You'd expect with the advancement of technology there'd be a string of new discoveries, processes and techniques, but this rarely happens except in small magazine articles but never national news. Anything new and beneficial is quickly bought or squelched by government or their sidekick corporations. The fundamentals of antigravity were discovered and demonstrated. Cheap mass production of thin, solar cells is a fact but their output has been bought out by foreign companies. The governmental arrogance that they're the only ones capable of insuring our survival is sheer evil, a massive fraud proving their unfitness to lead our country. Americans have always shown genius inventiveness with necessity, but now genius is held down and cannot get up.
E. The ethical results of a bad decision. The underground centers are only needed for a month then people will be moved and encouraged towards self-sufficiency. They will then be used for regional headquarters and armed strong-points to direct and control recovery and the rebuilding of our economy as government takes complete dictatorial control. Martial Law will precede the polar axis shift and the resulting catastrophe by promising "normalcy"--another lie ["normalcy bias"] which we want to believe, despite our freedoms sliding into memory. What will be the survivors' attitude toward the immense hardships caused by their government? Will they still have allegiance? No, but no way to fight it either as all arms are forbidden under necessary Martial Law.
Government will take control at gunpoint. Despite massive deaths the underground government moles will be outnumbered, but they will be heavily armed. The surviving police will obey despite feeling betrayed (with the rest of us) and Homeland Security will be king. They won't care about their poor ethical position as long as they can retain power. Those in power will know they'd never be re-elected but elections will be precluded by the socialist system in control under one party--primarily, by Martial Law. The media will be totally controlled, devoid of any dissenting conservative voice. Don't be deceived: Fox is just a little right of the others, they're all a false front purchased by your stimulus dollars. Don't waste time with TV, seek only independent radio stations while they're still online. Anti-government resentment and hostility will be worse than the post-Civil War South soon, so get the truth which will never be mainstream. Eliminate deniers, pick your team.
Government with a Goal
A. Gather the facts but stay secret at all costs. At first there was a debate over whether to announce Nibiru but the secret societies won. The less preparation of the populace, the more upheaval and the easier to remove the obstruction of honorable people, laws, and institutions blocking the New World Order. It's the classic method of forced social change: gather all info then block all opposition which knows nothing until it's too late. Outsiders with the information must be sworn to secrecy saving the "American Way of Life". They all think: for a smoother transition, don't disturb the common man.
B. Find ways of funding this monumental effort. Project Apollo to put man on the moon cost 25 Billion dollars, which could have been a decision determined by foreknowledge of Nibiru/Xena through astronomers or the Vatican. Every secret spy plane or stealth aircraft was secretly funded with billions. The big scare of the Y2K crash of the world’s computers ended with a whimper but was still secretly funded by unaccounted billions. How much of this was siphoned off for government preparations for Xena? The recent stimulus package is also without accountability and even if they'd a chance to read it how much is truly going where it says? The funding for Homeland Security's preparations is all due to the gullibility of Americans who actually trust their "representatives" who after elections pay back foreign donors with American land.
C. Gather materials and manpower to organize and accomplish this effort: Homeland Security was created for this task and promoted by Democrats in response to 9/11, but this $40 Billion a year agency (including the U. S. Coast Guard, Border Patrol, and twenty other agencies) is clearly suited to organize the successful transition into the New World Order after the catastrophe. It will add manpower to ramp up for the main event by assuming authority over all law enforcement personnel, park rangers and anyone else who packs a gun and drives government property. Everywhere you see cops driving new vehicles--to ensure they have a reliable fleet of vehicles when manufacturing stops.
D. Create major distractions to hide milking funds from the economy. Y2K was one of them and many are becoming "truthers" saying 9/11 was another. Forced social change necessitates destabilization of a country but that can't happen with a stable economy--so hit them in the wallet: Take away their money, security, homes and jobs, and that acute destabilization is occurring right now. Just see the poverty when in cities, away from the fancy distractions. Nothing is accidental or coincidental: for the elite know the greater the uproar, the easier it is to slide your tax money into pet projects.
E. Covertly create the framework, preparation, and training for conversion to a police state when disaster strikes. With civil unrest or terrorist attack, Martial Law will be declared as American troops put down civilians by force through NATO and Obama's new paramilitary police. These will be filled with goons, gangs and foreign mercs: There are numerous reports of foreign soldiers training in America in secret places. I assume the necessary treaties, agreements, and arrangements have already been made to justify suppression of any opposition. instantly with Obama's signature on the Executive Order this new engine will be turned on. A free America is the main obstacle to a One World Government and these socialist fanatics will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
F. Keep our military busy elsewhere to prevent interference. Our boys would never fire on US, so they must be detained, like in Iraq and Afghanistan--and why still in Germany sixty-four years later or so many bases in Japan? There have been many base closings since the seventies to keep overseas bases indefinitely, for there's inadequate stateside bases to hold them all. A large military presence of true legal American soldiers would make it awkward or impossible when Homeland Security starts to take over with their goons. The TSA perverts are now spreading outward beyond the airports, so if you're still in the city you'll be accosted soon.
G. Prepare for Martial Law when the secret gets out or the economy collapses. The preparation is completed along with hundreds of detention centers and lists of other existing facilities to be converted. The main problem is what to do with the excess population? Picture this: when word gets out about the flooding, hurricanes and typhoons people will move to high ground--so when the main event happens the excess will fill the detention camps. The main reason for more manpower is dealing with millions of corpses lining our coastlines. I would like to think this is the only reason the detention camps have large gas incinerators, thousands of body-bags and plastic coffins. Jesse Ventura's documentary on the fully-manned but empty camps (10 in each state) was censured on TV and the internet.
H. Make gun control a priority to minimize resistance. This is the biggest focus of the liberal dumb-rats haven't been too successful at. Presently the cry for gun control is that the narco-terroism in Mexico is supplied with American guns, but the truth is they're far cheaper elsewhere and we aren't allowed the automatic weapons they use. The only purpose of gun control is to disarm Americans blocking opposition to the coming Martial law, for an armed populace would resist the inevitable abuses of power. If we lose our second amendment rights you can turn off the lights: for civil unrest will create carnage and invasion of property by marauding gangs. Already some sheriff's departments are decimating their staffs and refusing to answer to armed robberies.
When it’s over with, what’s the world going to look like?
A. Can you survive before, during, and after the main event without government help? To survive the catastrophe and coming disasters entailing 200 mph winds, flooding, vandalism, earthquakes, volcanoes and government interference with where you go or what you do, you must PREPARE NOW. All coasts will be permanently flooded while the dry desert areas become fertile with increased rain. That's why the BLM gobbled up most western state lands, acquisitions starting in 1987 after Nibiru/Xena was discovered. Connect into communities of 8-12 people so someone is always on guard and delegate duties. We must again become like Jamestown--repentant Puritan--so select your allies well. For things to work perfectly we must stay pure.
Simply put for solos: get yourself an RV and head for the high desert. Find a nice spot to rent and stake down your RV real good. Fill sandbags while waiting for the main event. Scan the internet on survival and food storage and start now. Store things for trading (since money will be worthless) like guns, ammunition, alcohol, hand-tools, hardware, medicines, cheap portable AM/FM radios with batteries and services like para-medical, ham radio operation, farming, animal husbandry (for protein--plants are not enough). It'll be bad weather until Nibiru/Xena passes beyond the gravitational influence of the sun (a few years).
B. What happens to “We the People” when government has absolute power? Governmental attitudes towards free and independent citizenship will remain hostile while One World Government is forced on America. It's irrelevant that we'd never vote-in a socialist dictatorial government: They'll have absolute power cowering in underground shelters and later assume we'll still blindly believe their deceptions and lies. Whether a peaceful transition or outright war to the last man we can't know. Remember, we'll outnumber them and know their exact locations--we Americans have always fought for freedom and that won't change: We The People Must Prevail.
C. Opportunity for the wolves and snakes. Prevalent and long-term Secret Societies have always been hostile to our freedoms with the goal of power and control. When Nibiru/Xena/Eris was discovered they saw an opportunity to jump straight to the end-game: total control in the midst of horrendous chaos from multiple disasters. With their guys in control under Martial Law, success is certain. Many high ranking military officers were 'suicided"--honorable and incorruptible men are inconvenient to the New World Order--and others have retired early for "medical" reasons. Secret societies are highly efficient at removing obstacles and JFK was no exception, shortly after his anti-secrecy speech.
D. What role will our Constitution have? The Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence are three separate documents: The Constitution lists what government can do while the Bill of Rights lists what it can't do--it protects us from government. But it's been whittled down for many years: a trend continuing until Martial Law removes them permanently. The excuse will be that the Bill of Rights written over 200 years ago is "inappropriate" for our present trying times--as if morals, ethics, and standards have an expiration date. It's been decades since "Civics" has been taught in the schools, long replaced by silly social classes or "consensus" circles confirming the demoralized New World Order--few care about any "constitution".
E. Is there any good news in all of this? In God’s Word in the book of Revelation the tribulation is described in specific detail referring to the “star Wormwood” and all the havoc it will cause on earth. (Biblical scholars will disagree with me on this because Wormwood is believed to be an astroid or comet). The similarities between this prophesy and the catastrophe Nibiru/Xena/Eris/Planet X will cause is absolutely scary. However, I am comforted by the idea that even this is part of God’s Plan and that He is in control of all of it.